A few years ago my Mum was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. I very quickly learned how little I truly understood dementia, and what it would mean for Mum…and for me.
When Mum had to move into a nursing home I found myself journaling my experiences; writing as if I were talking to another me – at the start of her journey and longing for some honest, unfiltered advise to help navigate the lows and find some glimmers of light along the way.
At some point I stopped journaling. I think maybe fatigued from the ongoing sense of overwhelm and uncertainty.
When Mum passed away, I immediately and instinctively reached for the journaled notes I had made before and started adding to them. I’m not sure who I was writing for. For me? Or for others
The day following my dear Mum’s funeral I saw a quote that really spoke to me. I can’t remember the exact wording now, but it was along the lines of looking back on your grief, heartbreak and struggles and realising that those experiences may well be the support manual for someone else. That’s when I decided to publish my experiences in a blog. If I can help someone else navigate their way through their journey then something positive can come from this heartbreaking time.
A blog that is open, honest and unfiltered. That doesn’t sugar coat. That addresses the difficult realities and feelings, even those that are difficult to admit out loud. Because if we are to truly help someone, if we are to spread true awareness then that is what we need. Love, support and honesty.